Rádio Aliança FM

by Omega Sistemas



The FM Radio Alliance was born as the result of a desire to evangelize, "from the housetops" (Mt 10,27).There are many radio stations in Porto Alegre that offered day and night your message, and the Catholic Church had no even to explicitly evangelizing, preaching the Gospel and spreading the Word of God as Jesus taught the Apostles: "What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light. What you said is the ear publicai it from the housetops "(Mt 10,27).Inspired by this desire, the pioneers began praying to realize that how could fulfill the desire with few material resources, but with great confidence in the power of God always blesses his works.Sister Briege McKenna, during a retreat to the clergy, the Retreat House in Esteio, om prayer told Msgr. Dalvit: "I see him preaching daily to multitudes." I wondered then, as we do that, if I live in a hospital where there is only a small chapel. Upon returning from the retreat at night in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, asking the Lord to do the preaching for many. The Lord, in the silence of the heart showed me a Radio Station. I realized I should start working to get a Radio Station exclusively to evangelize.This is a brief history of Radio Alliance who lives to spread Gods love through the air, and now also via the Internet. The dream of our founders materialized, and today more than ever, communicating the gospel with new technologies also becomes an obligation for us.That this application is a tool for the Peace of Jesus gets to the heart of each of you use it.